Armin de Vries
Link collection

Link collection
The Regional Courts of Hamburg (judgement of 12 May 1998)
and Lübeck (judgement of 24 November 1998) it was decided
that through the use of links one may be held responsible for the
the contents of the external linked pages.
be held responsible.
The following declaration therefore applies to this homepage:
As we have no influence whatsoever on the design of the pages of external providers linked from this
linked pages of external providers, any responsibility for the content
responsibility for the content published there is rejected, in particular
the linked pages are to be understood as further references whose contents
contents of which the operators of this homepage do not adopt as their own.
We therefore declare that we are only responsible for the content of
of which this homepage consists, the design of which can be influenced and
whose underlying data are stored on servers accessible to us
accessible servers; the operators of this homepage expressly distance themselves
expressly distance themselves from all other content.